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Results for "keyword: "religious symbols""
St. Patrick's Day Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a prayer, a green spirit, and joy in your heart.
All Saints Day Quotes, recommended resources, and a teaching story for your observance.
Purim A celebration with cookies, a biblical story, noisemakers, and a chance to laugh at our enemies and ourselves.
Tu B'Shevat Celebrating the Jewish New Year for Trees, Rosh HaShanah La'Ilanot
Mid-Sha’ban Supplication A special invocation for the night of Mid-Sha'ban.
Welcoming the Mystery A call to make your own mystery-embracing ritual.
Lock and Unlock Your Anger A symbolic release for challenging emotions.
Spiritually Literate Holiday Gifts Examples of gifts that have meanings attached to them and reflect spiritual practices from the Alphabet of Spiritual Literacy.
The Gifts of Good Friday: Compassion and Mercy Two ways to understand the power and the significance of Jesus' suffering on the cross.
Pesach (Passover) Suggestions for observing this Jewish Holiday.